The Office of 公共安全 team is comprised of non-sworn personnel responsible for the safety of Carthage community members and the campus in general. We are committed to providing the best customer service possible, 全天24小时报道, 一年365天.


  • 提供一个专业和可见的存在, serving as a deterrent and providing accessibility 24/7 with additional attention to campus events and activities
  • 制定应急响应计划
  • Maintain our Everbridge 紧急通知系统
  • 24小时监控火灾报警系统
  • 维护摄像机安全系统
  • 应对医疗紧急情况和情况
  • Respond to community members conflicts, concerns, and conduct violations
  • 向KPD / KFD提供必要的协助
  • 每日检查大楼和宿舍
  • 执行每日锁定/解锁时间表
  • Document and report maintenance and facility needs
  • Monitor vehicular and pedestrian traffic on campus and at remote lots
  • Enforce 停车 violations in Carthage 停车 lots
  • 协调交通管制, 停车, 以及校园活动的远程运输, 包括学生到达和离开, 同学会, 毕业典礼, 运动, 以及其他特别活动
  • Maintain Lenel CCID access card system controlling student, 教师, 以及员工使用博彩网址大全设施的权利
  • Provide safety orientation training to incoming students
  • 为员工提供安全培训
  • 为学生提供安全意识课程
  • 校园护送
  • 停摆助攻
  • 启动助攻
  • 停车请求



Carthage partners with the nationwide ENS software company Everbridge Inc. 我们的紧急通知服务. Everbridge is used by the 25 busiest North American airports, eight of the 10 most populated U.S. 城市和1000多家医院.

In situations where there is a threat to the campus community, the ENS would send campus alerts in the following ways:

  • 短信
  • 电子邮件消息
  • 辅助邮件信息
  • 手机通话
  • 次要/家庭电话

You may receive repeat messages across a variety of platforms until you confirm receipt; we do this to ensure the message was delivered.


Carthage students, 教师, and staff must update their emergency contact information in Workday. 登录Workday, 选择“个人资料”,” and then “Emergency 联系s” to update your emergency contacts. 


Campus alerts are sent when there is a threat to the campus community, or when a message needs to be communicated to the entire community quickly. 如果出现以下情况,将发送ENS警报:

  • 目前存在严重的安全隐患.
  • In cases of severe weather, such as a tornado warning or winter storm.
  • When there is a campus emergency that requires people to take action. 建议的行动可能包括适当的庇护, 待在家里, 避开校园的某个区域, or some other action specific to the emergency at hand.

Any time an ENS alert is sent, analytics are carefully reviewed to ensure the system worked properly. Any message that was not successfully delivered is researched, and the issue that prevented delivery is resolved. The ENS system is tested multiple times during the academic year.


The ENS is one of a number of communication tools available to us. 此外,我们还会在 www.博彩网址大全.edu 网站. A banner announcement will appear on the top of all www.博彩网址大全.edu webpages in the case of a weather-related closing or another campus emergency. Carthage can also utilize all campus phones to send an audible public safety announcement, mirror an emergency message on campus digital bulletin boards, 并使用体育场广播系统.

博彩网址大全致力于提供安全, 健康的, and welcoming environment for all of our students and the entire Carthage community. A robust emergency notification system is a critical part of that.

博彩网址大全 is required by federal law to publish an Annual Security Report by Oct. 每年1月1日, prepared and distributed in compliance with The Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.



博彩网址大全 has a 脸谱网 group for parents of current students. 如果校园安全问题出现, the Office of Communications will utilize this group to share updates with parents. 登陆www.博彩网址大全.加入Edu/parent-facebook. 如果校园发生紧急情况 our first priority will be keeping our students, staff, and 教师 safe. 父母 will be able to find information on our 网站 and alerts will be posted to our Campus Alert webpage, www.博彩网址大全.edu/alert.

博彩网址大全 has an Emergency Operations Plan that includes guidelines to deal with an active threat/active shooter situation. An Employee 应急程序指南 is located in every classroom on campus. This guide includes an easy-to-find and easy-to-follow Active Threat/Active Shooter response. In addition, Carthage holds active shooter training events on campus every year. These sessions are open to students, 教师, and staff.

The Office of 公共安全 conducts its own extensive training for active threat/active shooter situations. That training includes joint training sessions on campus with 出赛 law enforcement agencies. Carthage has held on-campus training sessions with local law enforcement six times in the last five years.


在校园危机应对情况下, our counseling services and campus pastor would serve students as determined by the circumstances of the situation. This may include walk-in or scheduled appointments, 在群体环境中提供支持, 紧急危机应对, 以及转介给长期护理提供者.

在龙卷风或天气紧急情况下, the College has designated shelters that community members should go to for safety. 


There are emergency contact phones located on campus. 寻找手机顶部的蓝光. Merely touching the large circle on the face of the phone will connect you to the Office of 公共安全 dispatcher.


Carthage community members are encouraged to use these phones when they:

  • Are lost and need directions or information on campus.
  • 请求援助他们的车辆.
  • 出现医疗紧急情况.
  • Desire a ride on the 停车 lot shuttle during the campus shuttle hours.
  • 感觉受到了威胁.
  • 成为犯罪的受害者或证人.
  • 希望报告一项可疑活动.